After showing a survey yesterday, now I’m going to present the report of it.
Every day peoples do their activity like working, studying, holiday, and etc. Technology every years become uptodate, for example cell phone. Every people have it with new feature. I believe that their cell phone have a good feature like smartphone or android, and one of the feature is camera. However, most of them can capture every moment that they want. Many people are familiar about selfie. They like capture their moment in they favorite place like beach, mountain, in a work, in a school, or everything place that they want. This survey was done to find out how is people take a picture / take a selfie habit in their life. For further usage, this survey can be useful for company electronic or for cell phone company to make their product more interesting especially in camera the one of feature in cell phone.
The research was done by providing a survey done by the respondent. The survey was done by 51 respondents, with 72.9% of them are female and the rest is male.
Diagram 2
The averages of the respondents are teenager, 90,2% are people in 15-20 years old. The others are adults and parent.
Diagram 4
From my respondent, 54,9% say that “selfie” is about narcisisem, 29,4% say that “selfie” is soso, and 13,7% say that “selfie” about confidence. One of them said that selfie is about good looking face in the picture.
Diagram 5
Majority say that taking picture is the activity to have fun. It’s look from the presentase my respondent that is 68,6%. More than a half of totaly respondent say that selfie is just for fun. The other say taht taking picture is about confidence, about popularity, and just show the handsome or beauty face.
Diagram 6
58,8% the respondent take a picture depending on their mood in a day. Most of them do that, 25,5% other said sometimes, 9,8% said other, and 5,9% often to take a picture in a day.
Diagram 16
From my survei, 78,4% respondents said they like to take a photos in the place that they want, the other said 29,4% like take photo in beach, 13,7% like take photo in Mountain, 7,8% like take photo in their school, and the last 5,9% like take photo in restaurant.
The respondent have an activity in their life. They like to take a picture in a special moment like in their holiday, on their birthday, weh their celebrate their anniversarry (for couple), or anytime that they want. The favorite place to take a picture is in every where that they want, the respondendt said they like take photo in beautiful place like in a beach, mountain, cafe, or the other. Most of my respondent is in the age 15-20 years old. My respondent like to take a picture with their friends, familly, or with their couple. They like to take a picture and uploaded their photos in social media, especilly on instagram. Their upload the photos everytime that they want. Before they uploaded the photo they use editing photos to make their photos more good or to arrange the light but the other don’t editing the photos because they want to make the photo more natural. Most of my respondent say that they like do selfie photo to have fun, for showing confidence, a half of them said that selfie is about narcissisem, and the other said taht is about good looking face on the picture. So selfie photos is about activity that people do to share everything what they do and just for fun in the moment in every place that has a good view but not in dangerous place.